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The Cruise Ship Details

Due to this not being a private equity funded or investor funded venture we will have a different model than our competitors.  This will be a likeminded community essentially crowd funding their future home and life!


The process:

  • Building Interest, Understanding, and Opportunity - This is where we are now.

  • Offer a Deposit Period - To those seriously wanting to cast off with us on our Fabled Voyage. 

  • Down Payment Period - It is time to purchase the ship!

  • Final Payment period - Time to finish up paying for the final repairs and upgrades.​​​

  • Move in Period - It's time to join us and come aboard and set sail!

The Residential Cruise Ship 

What we are purchasing

Since this is a floating community we will be covering our normal needs and wants.  We are looking at a larger ship than some may like to ensure we can provide as many creature/hometown comforts as we can.  The ship that will be finally purchased will ultimately determine what opportunities we will have to provide amenities and activities based on space and layout.  We have our favorite ship, but are currently looking at several different options, and when we reach our 80% capacity goal, we will be finalizing with our community and family, which ship we finally will be setting sail on.   Below you will see approximately what we are looking for:


  • Size:

    • ~70,000-120,000 GT

    • ~800-1,100ft long​

    • 1,800-2,400 maximum community population

  • We will be able to tender in to those more intimate ports.​

  • Area for multiple shops to handle standard needs/wants​

  • Free and Specialty dining to maximize options.​

  • Plenty of places to relax and unwind, private and public, indoors and outdoors.

  • Room for plenty of diverse activities and opportunities for the community.

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